Join our community of monthly donors to help us reach every foster child in Georgia.

In the state of GA, there are over 12,000 children in foster care, many of whom enter the system with nothing but the clothes on their backs. We can change that. Your ongoing support can provide not only basic necessities, but also the gift of dignity, joy, and hope for Georgia’s foster children.  
Join the Bloom Garden, Bloom’s monthly giving community, and together, we can plant seeds of hope, dignity, and a sense of joy in the heart of a child in foster care when they need it most. The Bloom Garden isn’t just a subscription. It’s a community of passionate investors. Being part of The Garden means that together, we can ensure every child in foster care in the state of Georgia receives the gift of feeling seen, cared for, and provided for through Bloom. 
With just $39 a month, you can supply a child in need with clothing, shoes, school supplies, toys, hygiene products, and more for an entire year. Monthly donations made through the Bloom Garden funds the Bloom Direct Program, a convenient shipping model that takes a specially curated box filled with essential items, clothing, and personalized gifts directly to the children you sponsor. Through your recurring donations, you’ll even have the opportunity to become a personal sponsor for a child in foster care. Your support will create a meaningful connection as you make a positive impact on their life, providing the resources they need to thrive. 
Will you plant a seed of change in the Bloom Garden Today? Join The Bloom Garden Community today and help us cultivate change, one child at a time. Click here to set up your recurring donation through our secure online giving platform, and together, let’s nurture the dreams of children in foster care and ship them a box filled with love. Click here to learn more about Bloom Direct.