Foster children often thrive once they are placed in a safe, stable home environment with a loving Bloom family. Below are a few success stories about the children who have flourished under the care of our Bloom foster parents.

from neglected to loved

Two young girls, Jasmine and Aria, were neglected and abandoned by their mother at ages 9 and 12. After being left at home alone and unsupervised for several days, the sisters found themselves without food and basic necessities. Scared and traumatized, they entered foster care and were placed in the home of a Bloom foster parent.

With support from Bloom’s team, our foster parent connected the girls to a counselor, helping them heal from the emotional damage of being abandoned. Our ‘foster mom’ also sought academic support for the girls who were unable to attend school while deserted at home. Jasmine, who was falling behind in school, is now on track to complete the year with A’s and B’s. Thanks to her love and support, Jasmine and Aria know what a mother’s love looks and feels like.

An Angel of Change

As one of our very first foster parents, Ms. Parks has been a blessing to the children who are placed in her home. She typically fosters teen boys, working diligently to guide them toward success in school and at home. Ms. Parks believes that although some foster children may seem challenging on paper, their behavior can change once they are placed in the right environment—one that promotes structure, consistency, and respect.

The foster children who have lived with Ms. Parks over the years have made great strides in their personal development. Not only does she encourage their interests and help them think about career paths, but she also prepares them for adulthood by letting them shop for groceries, cook meals, and care for their clothes. She treats each child with respect, and in return, the boys learn that they can count on her in all situations.

Fostering with Unconditional Love

Nicolas had been a victim of severe physical abuse by various men in his mother’s life while she struggled with untreated mental health issues. After enduring much trauma at home, Nicolas was placed with a loving Bloom foster family who showered him with support and encouragement.

Unfortunately, while in foster care, Nicolas fell ill, resulting in frequent hospitalizations. Although these were very unfortunate circumstances, for the first time in his life, Nicolas experienced unconditional love. His foster mother never once left his side. She prayed with him, encouraged him, and did everything possible to lift his spirits. The nurturing support his Bloom foster mother provided helped him heal and gave him hope for the future.

Since being placed with Bloom, Nicolas and his brothers’ previous traumas have begun to heal, and they are doing well. Nicholas is currently in the process of being adopted by his Bloom foster family and will soon have a Forever Family free from abuse and neglect.